Saturday, February 12, 2011


This is my make up post because I was absent last week and then my daughter was hit in the head with a softball during her softball tournament at Peroni arena and I just didn't get to the blog. Anyway here is my blog post.

I am doing my report on current events in Egypt and how they relate to Machiavelli's The Prince. I struggled to read the book but now that I have been reading more and more about Egypt and Mubarak, I am realizing that Machiavelli's book is like a blue print of leaders in history and present. I am making so many connections of what is happening in present Egypt with things in the book that the pages of my book are more highlighter yellow than white.

My daughter is fine by the way. She has even come up with a cute way to do her hair and cover up the bruise.

1 comment:

  1. I did not like the book at first either. It was written a long time ago so the reading is rather difficult. Keep up the good work! Everyone is cheering! Yahoo!
